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Material Selection of Solar Photovoltaic Mesh Belt

2024-04-23 Industry information 150

Material Selection of Solar Photovoltaic Mesh Belt

In the production process of cells, both the oven and the sintering furnace need to transport the cells through the mesh belt. Due to the different oven and sintering temperature, the material requirements for the mesh belt are also different.

Material Selection of Solar Photovoltaic Mesh Belt

The temperature of the oven is low, and the material of the mesh belt is generally 316L, or 314 material with better temperature resistance can be selected.

The material of sintering furnace mesh belt is generally 2080 or 314, and the temperature resistance of these two materials can meet the sintering requirements.

Material Selection of Solar Photovoltaic Mesh Belt

Since the cell is mainly in contact with the thimble, our company will use high-strength 2080 material for the material of the thimble, whether it is an oven or a sintering furnace, so that the solar cell mesh belt is more durable.

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